29 April 2015

8 Reasons To Eat Chocolate! Like We Needed More Than 1!

Chocolate.  That wonderful gift that if we were honest with ourselves, we could eat daily. Most people know that chocolate tastes delicious, but did you know there are lots of health benefits to consuming chocolate.  Now I am not talking about eating a bag of M&M's a day, but consuming the dark chocolate that doesn't contain all the cream and sugar found in the candy found abundantly in every supermarket, or drugstore.

Here are 9 reasons to add dark chocolate to your list of healthy foods:

1.  Heart Health:

Chocolate has tremendous cardiovascular benefits due to the flavonoids found in the cacao. The benefits to the heart are a result of the increased flexibility of the arteries and veins.  In a Swedish study of over 31,000 women, the results showed that over a 9 year period, eating one or two servings of dark chocolate a week reduced their risk of heart failure by a third.

In another study,  conducted over a long term in Germany, it was discovered that blood pressure, and heart attack risk was decreased by 39%  when the participants consumed a square of dark chocolate a day.

It has also been shown that chocolate and exercise work extremely well together.  A study coming out of Australia, shows that blood pressure-raising effects during exercise, on individuals that were overweight, were reduced after consuming chocolate.  On a happy note:  chocolate has 5 times the flavonoids when compared to an apple.

2.  Assists with Weight Loss

Dark chocolate is a great addition to any weight loss plan, as it helps decrease cravings for salty, sweet, and fatty foods. So enjoy a square or two, and know you are doing your body, and weight loss plan good.

3.  Happy Kids

Dark Chocolate is a great food to eat while pregnant. Pregnant women admitted that eating dark chocolate helped them handle stress better.  It was also found, in a Finnish study, that the children smiled more, and were happier in general.

4.  Prevention of Diabetes

According to Claudio Ferri, M.D., a professor at the University of L'Aquila in Italy, "Flavonoids increase nitric oxide production.  And that helps control insulin sensitivity." It was shown in a small study out of Italy that participates who consumed a candy bar size of dark chocolate daily for 15 days, saw a drop of nearly half in their potential for insulin resistance.

5.  Stress Reducer

This should be our new mantra. when times get tough the tough grab the dark chocolate.  It was shown in a study out of Switzerland that when people, who are very anxious, consumed an ounce and a half of dark chocolate once a day for 2 weeks, their stress hormone levels were radically reduced, and partially mitigated the metabolic effects of stress.

6.  Protection from the sun

A three month English study found that dark chocolate, with high levels of flavanols, showed that the subjects skin took twice as long to develop that red effect that indicates the beginning of the sunburn.  NOTE: look for dark chocolate that states it has high levels of the healthy flavanols.

7.  Brain Power Boost

Feeling not only a little stressed, but also need a little brain power boost? Grab a little dark chocolate as it has been shown to improve alertness and performance by boosting blood flow to the brain for 2-3 hours.

8.  Relief from coughs

Dark Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which can help quiet coughs almost as good as codeine.  According to Professor Maria Belvisi, from Imperial College London and Royal Brompton Hospital says, "Not only did theobromine prove more effective than codeine, at the doses used it was found to have non of the side effects.  Normally the effectiveness of any treatment is limited by the dosage you can give someone. With theobromine having no demonstrated side effects in this study it may be possible to give far bigger doses, furthering increasing its effectiveness".  Have a cough...grab the chocolate!

Dark chocolate, for many reasons, is a great addition to your diet.  Enjoy a square, or two, and know that you are doing your body good.  My favorite dark chocolate is IsaDelight Plus. IsaDelight Plus, which also comes in milk chocolate, contains added ingredients like green tea extract, amino acids, antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals, that all work together to ease those cravings.  Enjoy!

18 April 2015

What Are Your Dreams For Your Future?

Most people agree that everyone has a special purpose in this life.  For a long time I have been on the path of discovery searching for why I was created.  The last 5 years have been really challenging, where some days I didn't know how I was going to make it through.  But I did, and recognized that I have a real desire to help people live beautiful lives...inside and out!  The quote by Thomas Jefferson caught my eye because he is one of my favorite presidents.  I put him at the top of a very short list of favorite people.  I visited his home, Monticello, on a trip to Virginia and absolutely loved the home he designed.  Most people know that he was a founding father, a principle author of the Declaration of Independence, and the third President of the United States.  But not many people realize that he was also our second Vice President, the Governor of Virginia, and the architect of the University of Virginia campus.  Quite an amazing man with an extensive list of accomplishments...and no computer!

How do we create a legacy that people will remember as remarkable? 

First.  You have to discover what your purpose truly is. Everyone was created to accomplish something extraordinary in their life, however sometimes it takes some time to discover exactly what that something is.  

Second.  You MUST be committed to your goals.  Challenges are a part of life, however if you have your eye on the goal, you can not only weather the storms a little easier, but you know with total faith in the accomplishment of those goals, and the attainment of all your dreams.  

Third. Celebrate the wins, big and small, along the way.  When we celebrate we are rejoicing and showing gratitude for all the good things in our life.  When we focus on the good, more good will show up.

Fourth.  Be grateful and give back.  We need to be absolutely grateful for everything in our lives.  You may not have everything you desire right now, but if  you are working towards your goals everyday you are closer than you were yesterday!

Fifth.  Once you attain your goals, create new goals and get back on the horse for another wild ride.  Life is a journey, and we are only here for a short time...a blink of an eye in the history of the world...so GO!

What are the dreams of your heart that you want to fulfill?  My big goal is to have a horse ranch in Colorado, called the Rugged Ranch Retreat.  My dream is to provide a safe haven for teenagers that have aged out of the foster system, and give them a chance to study online to earn a college degree, and chase their own dreams.  Rugged Ranch Retreat will provide a safe, loving home for the girls to grow, dream, and win at life.

How am I accomplishing that dream?  Well there is an old saying that you are what you eat, so I made the decision to eat better.  I did my research and discovered a company that was helping people achieve their health and weight loss goals using a simple system. With the help of their amazing line of products average people are transforming their lives on a daily basis.  With products that help them achieve better health through nutritional cleansing, and an exceptional full line of products that make people feel beautiful inside and out.

Most people know someone is looking to lose a lot of weight, or maybe just those last 10 pounds.  Nutritional Cleansing might be the answer they are looking for.  I lost 5 pounds my first week following their simple plan.  It was a great way to jump start my weight loss and my commitment to finally losing those 40 pounds that have accumulated over the years.

Leave your feedback, as I would love to hear what dreams you are chasing.  Is it better health, financial freedom, releasing those unwanted pounds.  Whatever you are working towards, know that I am here to help you.

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com