Most of us women remember that when we were younger we were able to eat with abandon and without counting calories. Even if we weren't hitting the gym or the yoga studio, or exercising on a regular basis many of us could seemingly consume whatever we desired, whenever we wanted. Sadly, the days and nights of youth-filled binges are long gone and you may actually be showing signs of the dreaded “middle-age spread.” Or even more depressing, you are overweight or obese. In my case, I have been carrying around 40 unhealthy pounds for 17 years, ever since my youngest was born. I gained 5 pounds when I quit smoking 21 years ago, 10 pounds after 2 pregnancys, and then 5 pounds here and there, but it wasn't till I got to my highest weight ever of 165 (flirting with 170) that I knew something had to change. NOW!
Today, obesity is the single most important health issue facing the women and men in the United States. According to new data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, released from The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of adults and almost 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese. And the scary thing is the problem is only getting worse.
The excess fatness (adiposity) that exists in people who are obese is associated with many serious adverse health effects including increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. With obesity-related healthcare spending at about 5 to 10 percent of all health care costs, it’s a problem that clearly stresses an already unstable economy, and a country facing massive debt. Not only the cost of obesity is a factor, what about the men and women who are dying younger and younger due to obesity related diseases. This hit my family when my ex-husband died of a heart attack at the age of 54. And yes, he was overweight, with all his weight in his belly where it is the most dangerous.
Most people realize that obesity is a complex, dynamic process involving genes and hormones; however, most people agree that lifestyle factors like our excessive calorie consumption relative to our energy expenditure is a big part of the problem. In layman terms we have gotten lazy as a society, yet our eating habits have not adjusted to our decrease in physical activity. Not surprisingly, according to a 2010 consumer survey, 55 percent of us are actively trying to lose weight. But to address the issues of prevention, treatment, and lifestyle factors, you need to understand body fat–what it is, what it does, and how different types of body fat are associated with health and disease.
Body Fat is an Organ?
Previously, body fat was thought to be just that: fat. However, scientists have known for some time that body fat is indeed no less an organ than the liver or kidney due to its metabolic activities, its targeted by hormones, and its ability to secrete cytokines—those proteins with hormone-like effects. Body fat comes directly from our diet. Foods contain varying levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and, of course, fat.
Now, when examining body fat and body composition, researchers have generally divided fat into either subcutaneous or visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat accumulated in the lower body, often visualized as producing a “pear shaped” appearance. This body shape is more frequently associated with the fattiness of women. In contrast, visceral fat is the fat within your belly (not the fat hanging over your belt) and is associated with the “apple shaped” appearance observed more frequently in men. Visceral fat is also known as central or abdominal fat, and is the most dangerous for our health.
Visceral fat is a relatively small proportion of total body fat. So why is it so important? Mainly because, unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat coats the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs that are vital for maintaining optimal health and wellness. Because of its proximity to major organs, this type of fat has serious implications on health.
Inflammation from Visceral Fat
Visceral fat is also dangerous to our health because it is metabolically very active, causing low-grade inflammation within the body. In obese individuals, visceral fat consists of fat cells (adipocytes) that stimulate and secrete a variety of potent chemicals as well as activating cellular pathways that are implicated in disease. The accumulation of visceral fats is also associated with insulin resistance, a primary factor in type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related conditions.
Visceral fat accumulation in the liver is also a precursor to much more serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), and even liver cancer.
How to Reduce Visceral Fat?
Luckily, there are things that can be done to reduce visceral fat, but not without willpower and work. First, the individual must lose weight. Exercise is certainly one of the most effective lifestyle interventions for reducing visceral fat. In one recent study, researchers found that participating in an aerobic exercise program without any changing anything else, significantly reduced visceral fat by 12 percent (1). Second, reduction of visceral fat requires modifications from a typical high fat, high-calorie consumption pattern. Among nutrients targeted for assisting us in promoting fat loss are dietary fiber and protein.
The most effective way to reduce visceral fat would be to incorporate the cleansing and Fat Burning System program into your daily routine, there by replacing the wrong food you are consuming now. Krista Varady at the University of Illinois-Chicago has found that either daily caloric restriction or intermittent fasting reduces stubborn visceral fat by 5 to 15 percent (3).
If you are looking for a program that incorporates both a cleansing system, and a fat burning system together in an easy to follow program, you may be interested in this 30 day system, which will jumpstart your weight loss plan. The 30 day system contains everything you need for a month, to help your body release the toxins that have built over time, and replace meals with a protein shake that will nourish your body. On shake days you will use the shakes to replace 2 of your 3 meals, with your third meal being between 400 - 600 calories. Sounds easy enough right? You bet! I lost 8 pounds my first week with consisted of 5 shake days, and 2 cleanse days. It is the first time that I have seen results that truly excite me. I truly believe the reason I can finally release the weight as this program is so easy to follow and incorporate into a busy schedule. It is flexible and portable,which makes this busy working single mom very happy!
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Check out the 30 day program today. If you aren't ready for that big a commitment, try the shake and cleanse system, which will get you started on your weight loss journey.
Any questions, please let me know. I am here to support, and coach you to the NEW healthier, happier version of you!
1. Johnson NA, et al. Aerobic exercise training reduces hepatic and visceral lipids in obese individuals without weight loss. Hepatology 2009;50:1105-12.
2. Varady KA. Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obes Rev 2011 Jul;12(7):e593-601.
2. Varady KA. Intermittent versus daily calorie restriction: which diet regimen is more effective for weight loss? Obes Rev 2011 Jul;12(7):e593-601.
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