21 June 2016

Hydrate for Life!

Drinking plenty of water every day can help keep the doctor away.  Staying hydrated also helps keep you full, energized, and extra focused. To help remind yourself to drink up, fill a gallon jug in the morning, and use it to fill your water glass or water bottle during the day.  This is the easiest way to keep track of your water consumption.  Another reason to stay hydrated:  Drinking plenty of water also helps reduce hangover symptoms (or avoid them completely) and helps keeps colds at bay.  Try adding a slice of lemon or lime for additional health benefits!  My favorite water addition is Amped HYDRATE, a refreshing sports drink enriched with vitamin C, B-complex, and electrolytes that is perfect for any time, any day.  Enjoy!!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com