18 May 2015

6 + 1 Ways To Get Better Sleep

Eight hours of sleep.  Most people know how important it is to get a good nights sleep. During sleep we go through the 4 stages of sleep in the NREM cycle which consists of about 75% of our sleep, and REM sleep which occurs about 25% of our sleep time. A good nights sleep allows our bodies to repair, and recharge to face another day!

Here are some tips to help you get to sleep, and stay asleep to take advantage of all the benefits a good 8 hours of sleep will provide.

1.  Stay on a schedule.  One of the best ways to get a good nights sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night.  Sometimes this is challenging, but the closer you stay on schedule the easier it will be to fall asleep.

2.  Make your bedroom an oasis of calm, quiet and cool area with a minimum of clutter.  You want your room to be a relaxing area, not one where there is a lot going on.  You also want your room to be on the cool side, vs being warm.  I don't have a TV in my room, which forces me to read to relax.  It is really easy to lay a book down and roll over, instead of falling asleep with the TV on, which may wake you up later because of the noise.

3.  Eat right and get regular exercise.   A healthy body that has been challenged to work, and move is more ready to get a good nights sleep.

4.  Reduce Stress and Anxiety. Work on finding ways to reduce your stress level, and find ways to relax.  Use meditation, reading, music, & prayer to release stress and allow your body to relax.

5.  Reduce or eliminate daytime naps.  If you are getting sleepy do something physical to get you moving.

6.  Avoid big meals at dinner.  Eat a smaller meal at dinner so you don't feel overly full when you are ready to head to bed.

7.  Try a melatonin supplement, which will help you replenish your levels, which decrease as we get older.  Melatonin is a hormone, although Dr.Oz says it is not a "Silver Bullet" for sleep it may help you fall asleep faster.  

My favorite sleep aid is a product that provides the proven power of vigorous brain-boosting nutrients combined with a powerful melatonin sleep aid and nutrient complex spray.  Brain and Sleep Support is an ideal way to achieve restful sleep while supporting healthy brain function.  Check it out here: BRAIN & SLEEP SUPPORT

Sleep...it is necessary for your health, and your sanity.  Not getting a good nights sleep will leave you stressed, and more susceptible to sickness. Sleep Well and carry on!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com

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