17 September 2015

The Secret to Losing Weight...ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Most people say that losing weight is challenging.  Well...you know, that is what I always thought until I was able to lose those extra pounds by concentrating on alkalizing my body, not just counting calories.  Everybody knows that to lose weight you have to eat fruits and vegetables, however when you concentrate on alkalizing your body, you will finally once and for all achieve the results you have been striving for.  There is an old saying...You are what you eat.  I am happy I finally learned exactly what that meant.  The results? More energy, clearer skin, and finally releasing those pounds I struggled to lose since my children were born, which translates into 20 years of struggle.

Why Alkalize?  The body was designed to function at a pH level of 7.4, and a shift of even a small amount of .2 can cause death, however the body protects itself by borrowing minerals from our vital organs, and bones. These minerals that the body borrows include: calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium are used to help neutralize the extra acid in our system.  

The body produces acid as a by-product of everyday living, and breathing, and when acid producing foods and drinks are consumed the body becomes totally overloaded.  Once the body becomes overloaded with acid, it starts to accumulate the acid in the fatty tissue causing weight gain. This weight gain is one of the ways that the body will protect itself due to this acid buildup. In some extreme cases the acid begins to consume the body itself, and begins burning up the body, therefore making the body too thin. 
Most people will say that it can't be that easy, but there are 9 reasons why alkalizing your body is the best, and easiest route to dropping those unhealthy, and unwanted pounds.  Now I am not going to say it is going to be a walk in the park, as you will have to make daily choices on what to eat, however once you see the pounds coming off, you will know you are finally on the right path.

The 9 benefits of alkalizing are:

 1.  Skin looks more youthful, and is more elastic.
 2.  More abundant physical energy.
 3.  Less colds, headaches, flu or viruses.
 4.  Better digestion
 5.  Decrease your arthritis risk
 6.  Decrease Candida (yeast) overgrowth
 7.  Decrease risk of osteoporosis
 8.  Mental acuity and mental alertness are increased
 9.  Natural high
10. Weight loss

To alkalize you must increase the intake of your green plant foods.  These foods include spinach, kale, chard, parsley, watercress, cucumber, and wheatgrass.  The ideal diet will contain 80% alkalizing foods, and 20% acidic foods.

Why green foods are essential to alkalize:

 1.  Sugar content is low
 2.  Nutrient level is high
 3.  Raw greens contain a high level of electrons, a negative alkalizing charge
 4.  High level of magnesium
 5.  High in chlorophyll
 6.  High in fiber

Foods you must avoid at all costs while alkalizing are sugar, dairy, gluten, wheat, caffeine, and red meat.  

Remember that old saying that says you are what you eat?  So follow that age old advice and eat your fruits and vegetables as they will help your body alkalize, finally allow you to drop those unwanted pounds, and decrease your risk of disease.  The best product to add to your diet to help you alkalize is GREENS, which contains powerful detoxifiers including chlorella, spirulina, and wheat grass just to name a few. How does it get any better than this?

Well...you know, what do you have to lose? Try GREENS today!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

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