28 October 2015

Stress: 3 Stages

STRESS.  Most people know that stress is very harmful to our health.  But did you know that stress has 3 stages?

1.  Flight or Fight: the stage of stress that can save your life.  The body immediately transfers large amounts of oxygen and glucose to the brain, muscles, and heart which are the most responsible for the bodies response to stress.

2.  Resistance:  this stage helps the body recover from the heart pounding response to the flight or fight stage.  Cortisol and adrenaline, hormone energy sources,  are made available to the body to help reduce inflammation, and repair cell damage. This stage usually helps us get through most of life's stressful situations.

3.  Exhaustion:  if the body can not control the stress during the resistance stage, the body enters the exhaustion stage.  In our crazy, stressful society, this is where a lot of people continually find themselves.  During this stage, chronic stress can be extremely harmful as the extended exposure to stress keeps the cortisol and adrenaline levels elevated builds to harmful levels in the body. and has harmful effects on muscles, the immune system, the digestive system, and overall metabolism.

Do your body a favor, and combat stress by consuming Ionix Supreme daily.  Ionix Supreme provides protection from the consequences of chronic stress, promotes energy balance and stamina, and supports the immune system.  A shot of Ionix Supreme daily is designed to balance your body by combating the negative effects of physical, environmental, and life stress while energizing cells to support faster recovery.  A shot a day keeps the stress away!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

27 October 2015

Niacin: The Forgotten B Vitamin

Most people have heard of the vitamin Niacin, but did you know it was the third B vitamin to be discovered hence the name vitamin B3?  Niacin taken in doses as small as 1000 mg provide some incredible health benefits.  Niacin is known for causing a flushing sensation, which occurs because Niacin opens up blood vessels close to the skins surface.  

1.  Arthritis: studies found that in people with mild cases of arthritis had outstanding results taking 1000 to 1500 mg a day.  With more severe cases, 3000 to 4000 mg have been recommended.  NOTE:  dosage should be spread out during the day in 5-6 doses.

2.  Triglycerides & Cholesterol:  An effective and inexpensive way to lower blood lipids is to take 1000 to  3000 mg of niacin a day.  Starting with 1000 mg the first day, 2000 mg the second day, and 3000 mg every day after that have shown to reduce cholesterol levels by 25 percent, and triglycerides by 50 percent.

3.  Memory Loss:  Dr. Abram Hoffer, who is known for his use of niacin in treating schizophrenia and depression, has found that 1000 mg of niacin taken 3 times a day can correct some senility problems, and improve memory.

4.  Insomnia:  50 mg to 1000 mg of niacin, when taken at bedtime, has helped a lot of people sleep better by activating benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which affects sleep.

5.  Better Sex:  it has been found that taking niacin 15-20 minutes before having sex increased mucus production in the vaginal area.  This helped eliminate the need for lubricants which sometimes becomes necessary as we get older.

6. Miscellaneous Uses:  100 to 200 mg of Niacin a day can help reduce blood pressure, help improve the circulation in the legs and feet of diabetics and the elderly.  Niacin can also help with tinnitus or ringing in the ears, vertigo by increasing the blood supply to the ear,  and niacin can usually stop a migraine headache quickly. 

Niacin is an important supplement that can provide many health benefits.  An easy way to incorporate 120 percent of the recommended daily allowance is by taking Natural Accelerator.  Natural Accelerator incorporates Niacin, and chromium, along with cinnamon, green tea, and apple cider vinegar to to help boost metabolism and provide excellent health benefits as well.

22 October 2015

Get Better Sleep! 6 + 1 Ways To Make It Happen.

Most people know how important it is to get a good nights sleep, which the experts say is 8 hours.  During sleep we go through the 4 stages of sleep in the NREM cycle which consists of about 75% of our sleep, and REM sleep which occurs about 25% of our sleep time. A good nights sleep allows our bodies to repair, and recharge to face another day!

Here are some tips to help you get to sleep, and stay asleep to take advantage of all the benefits a good 8 hours of sleep will provide.

1.  Stay on a schedule.  One of the best ways to get a good nights sleep is to go to bed at the same time every night.  Sometimes this is challenging, but the closer you stay on schedule the easier it will be to fall asleep.

2.  Make your bedroom an oasis of calm, quiet and cool area with a minimum of clutter.  You want your room to be a relaxing area, not one where there is a lot going on.  You also want your room to be on the cool side, vs being warm.  I don't have a TV in my room, which forces me to read to relax.  It is really easy to lay a book down and roll over, instead of falling asleep with the TV on, which may wake you up later because of the noise.

3.  Eat right and get regular exercise.   A healthy body that has been challenged to work, and move is more ready to get a good nights sleep.

4.  Reduce Stress and Anxiety. Work on finding ways to reduce your stress level, and find ways to relax.  Use meditation, reading, music, & prayer to release stress and allow your body to relax.

5.  Reduce or eliminate daytime naps.  If you are getting sleepy do something physical to get you moving.

6.  Avoid big meals at dinner.  Eat a smaller meal at dinner so you don't feel overly full when you are ready to head to bed.

7.  Try a melatonin supplement, which will help you replenish your levels, which decrease as we get older.  Melatonin is a hormone, although Dr.Oz says it is not a "Silver Bullet" for sleep it may help you fall asleep faster.  

My favorite sleep aid is a product that provides the proven power of vigorous brain-boosting nutrients combined with a powerful melatonin sleep aid and nutrient complex spray.  Brain and Sleep Support is an ideal way to achieve restful sleep while supporting healthy brain function. Check out BRAIN & SLEEP SUPPORT here.

Sleep...it is necessary for your health, and your sanity.  Not getting a good nights sleep will leave you stressed, and more susceptible to sickness. Sleep Well and carry on!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

20 October 2015

Are Your Coffee Beans Fresh?

Coffee.  It seems like the amount consumed increases every year.  An important question to answer is, "how do I know my beans are freshly roasted"?

Here are 3 steps in determining if your beans have been roasted, which gives them that special taste.

1.  Check for residue.  When you pick up your beans, do they leave a residue on your hands, or on the bag?  If the answer is yes, then they have been freshly roasted.  NOTE: darker roasted beans are more oily then lighter roasts.

2.  Sealed bag with a valve.  After beans are roasted, they omit a carbon dioxide gas that diminishes over time. A bag containing freshly roasted beans MUST have a release valve or the bag will explode. If there is no pressure valve, then the beans have not been freshly roasted, and the release valve is not needed.

3.  If you buy your beans in bulk, you can use a plastic bag to check for the release of gas.  If the sealed bag does not expand after being left overnight, then your beans are not freshly roasted.

Now you can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee, knowing it is made with freshly roasted coffee beans.  For a coffee with added ingredients like green tea extract, trace minerals, and coconut oil that improve the flavor and quality of a superior coffee, try Isagenix coffee today.

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

19 October 2015

Is It Time for an Internal Cleanse?

We think about cleaning our houses, our cars and the outside of our bodies, but what about the inside of your body?  Our bodies work 24/7 to digest, eliminate, and provide fuel for our bodies as we go about our daily lives.  If you are in good health, you probably take your body for granted.

Do something good for your body today, and try a nutritional cleanse.  A nutritional cleanse is a scientifically formulated, synergistic blend of natural cleansing herbs and botanicals designed to support whole body cleansing and protect against the effects of oxidative stress and harmful toxins.  Think roto-router for your body!

Order Cleanse for Life today and allow your body to naturally detox and gently eliminate impurities while infusing it with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  This is not a colon cleanse or laxative, that will keep you close to home and your bathroom, but a nourishment product aimed to make your cleansing safe and effective. The nutrients in Cleanse for Life will aid your body while it releases toxins stored in fat cells into circulation so they can be excreted. Don't wait another day...Cleanse for Life may just save your life!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

15 October 2015

8 Reasons to Eat Chocolate. Like We Need More Than 1!

Chocolate.  That wonderful gift that if we were honest with ourselves, we could eat daily. Most people know that chocolate tastes delicious, but did you know there are lots of health benefits to consuming chocolate.  Now I am not talking about eating a bag of M&M's a day, but consuming the dark chocolate that doesn't contain all the cream and sugar found in the candy found abundantly in every supermarket, or drugstore.

Here are 9 reasons to add dark chocolate to your list of healthy foods:

1.  Heart Health:

Chocolate has tremendous cardiovascular benefits due to the flavonoids found in the cacao. The benefits to the heart are a result of the increased flexibility of the arteries and veins.  In a Swedish study of over 31,000 women, the results showed that over a 9 year period, eating one or two servings of dark chocolate a week reduced their risk of heart failure by a third.

In another study,  conducted over a long term in Germany, it was discovered that blood pressure, and heart attack risk was decreased by 39%  when the participants consumed a square of dark chocolate a day.

It has also been shown that chocolate and exercise work extremely well together.  A study coming out of Australia, shows that blood pressure-raising effects during exercise, on individuals that were overweight, were reduced after consuming chocolate.  On a happy note:  chocolate has 5 times the flavonoids when compared to an apple.

2.  Assists with Weight Loss

Dark chocolate is a great addition to any weight loss plan, as it helps decrease cravings for salty, sweet, and fatty foods. So enjoy a square or two, and know you are doing your body, and weight loss plan good.

3.  Happy Kids

Dark Chocolate is a great food to eat while pregnant. Pregnant women admitted that eating dark chocolate helped them handle stress better.  It was also found, in a Finnish study, that the children smiled more, and were happier in general.

4.  Prevention of Diabetes

According to Claudio Ferri, M.D., a professor at the University of L'Aquila in Italy, "Flavonoids increase nitric oxide production.  And that helps control insulin sensitivity." It was shown in a small study out of Italy that participates who consumed a candy bar size of dark chocolate daily for 15 days, saw a drop of nearly half in their potential for insulin resistance.

5.  Stress Reducer

This should be our new mantra. when times get tough the tough grab the dark chocolate.  It was shown in a study out of Switzerland that when people, who are very anxious, consumed an ounce and a half of dark chocolate once a day for 2 weeks, their stress hormone levels were radically reduced, and partially mitigated the metabolic effects of stress.

6.  Protection from the sun

A three month English study found that dark chocolate, with high levels of flavanols, showed that the subjects skin took twice as long to develop that red effect that indicates the beginning of the sunburn.  NOTE: look for dark chocolate that states it has high levels of the healthy flavanols.

7.  Brain Power Boost

Feeling not only a little stressed, but also need a little brain power boost? Grab a little dark chocolate as it has been shown to improve alertness and performance by boosting blood flow to the brain for 2-3 hours.

8.  Relief from coughs

Dark Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which can help quiet coughs almost as good as codeine.  According to Professor Maria Belvisi, from Imperial College London and Royal Brompton Hospital says, "Not only did theobromine prove more effective than codeine, at the doses used it was found to have non of the side effects.  Normally the effectiveness of any treatment is limited by the dosage you can give someone. With theobromine having no demonstrated side effects in this study it may be possible to give far bigger doses, furthering increasing its effectiveness".  Have a cough...grab the chocolate!

Dark chocolate, for many reasons, is a great addition to your diet.  Enjoy a square, or two, and know that you are doing your body good.  My favorite dark chocolate is IsaDelight PlusIsaDelight Plus, which also comes in milk chocolate, contains added ingredients like green tea extract, amino acids, antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals, that all work together to ease those cravings.  Enjoy!

13 October 2015

Fiber Up! 9 Reasons Why It is Vital for Health

There are plenty of research findings that show how fiber may have health boosting properties.

Here are 9 reasons to include fiber in your daily diet.

1.  Help control blood sugar.  Including soluble fiber may slow the breakdown of carbohydrates, as well as the absorption of sugar in your body.  This may help control blood sugar.

2.  Weight Loss.  Fiber helps you feel fuller longer, which may help with weight loss and weight management.

3.  Heart Health.  Research shows that people eating a high-fiber diet reduce their risk of heart disease by 40 percent.

4.  Stroke Risk.  Research shows that for every 7 grams of fiber you consume, your risk of stroke is reduced by 7 percent.

5.  Skin Health.  Fiber, especially psyllium husk, helps your body eliminate yeast and fungus.  Helping your body eliminate through the intestinal tract, instead of the skin, may help prevent breakouts.

6.  Hemorrhoids.  Fiber may help prevent hemorrhoids.

7.  IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Adding fiber to your diet may help relieve some of the symptoms of IBS.

8.  Diverticulitis.   A diet high in fiber, especially insoluble fiber, may reduce your risk of diverticulitis by up to 40 percent.

9.  Gallstones and Kidney Stones.  A diet high in fiber, because it helps your body regulate blood sugar, may reduce the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.

The most complete fiber supplement, containing both soluble and insoluble fiber, is FiberPro.  FiberPro contains five different plant fibers in a flavorless, easily dissolvable powder, as well as prebiotics to help restore the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut.

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

07 October 2015

10 + 1 Easy Weight Loss Tips

1.  Strive to drink a gallon of water a day.  Did you know that when you think you are hungry, your body is probably dehydrated, not hungry.  Drink lots of water everyday and it will go a long way in helping you lose those pounds.

 2.  Go for a walk.  I know you have heard that before but when you walk for an hour all your body systems are reset.  You burn extra calories by breathing deep, and building up some of those leg muscles.

 3.  When you are hungry munch on fresh, raw, organic vegetables like carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers.  They are high in fiber and will help you feel full and help curb the cravings.

 4.  Eat a handful of raw almonds a day.  Almonds are a great source of protein and a great way to fill the void between meals.

 5.  Use a salad plate for your main meals.  The smaller plate is a great way to keep you from over eating, as the portion size is so much smaller.

 6.  Eat smaller meals 4-5 times per day.  This is a great strategy for never getting to the point where your body is craving food and you grab the first thing you can get your hands on.

 7.  Use weights during your workout.  When you build muscle mass your body will burn more calories.  Also even though muscle weighs more than fat, you will look slimmer and more toned.

 8.  Watch your carbs.  When you eat your carbs earlier in the day, your body has all day to burn them off.

 9.  Stay away from all sugars, which are just empty calories!

10.  Be patient. You didn't put all the extra weight on in a month, so you won't be able to take it off in 30 days either.

11.  My secret weight loss weapon is my meal replacement shake. My IsaLean Shake makes it easy to eat healthy on the go.  Use shakes a day to replace 2 meals of my choice, and then eat a balanced meal for the third. My snack on the go is my IsaLean bar...it tastes great and fills you up so you aren't pulling into the closest fast food place because you are starving.

I know losing weight can seem daunting, but isn't your body, and your life worth the challenge?  Think of how healthy, and energetic you will feel when those pounds start to disappear!  YOU CAN DO THIS!

What is your favorite weight loss tip?  Share below.
Questions?  Give me a call at 623-282-4955

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com

06 October 2015

Relax With a Cup of Tea!

As we head into the fall, there is nothing more soothing than a nice hot cup of tea. Tea has many healthy benefits and t+ Chai is no exception.  t+ Chai is an Adaptogen-rich tea, that is delicious either hot or iced, and can be prepared in a snap.

A few of t+ benefits include:

  •  Helps you stay calm and helps improve concentration 
  •  Helps fight stress; maintains health and energy  
  •  Calming adaptogens help to promote balanced mood, calmness &  control  
  •  Helps maintain clarity and alertness 
  •  Enhances mental performance 
  •  Replaces high-calorie beverages


03 October 2015

Take A Vacation!

We all live busy lives, but that is no excuse to take a vacation.  It doesn't have to be a week on a secluded beach (although that does sound ideal).  It can be a short overnight road trip, or even a weekend without the Wi-Fi.  If you first reaction is that you just don't have the time...think of it as a break that will ultimately help you be healthier, happier, and more productive.

Today, right now, make plans to take some time for you!  Isn't it time to recharge and renew?

Remember...you deserve it!

01 October 2015

Why Lose Weight??

Why should you make it a lifetime habit to keep your weight down?

A study by the American Cancer Society found that women who gained 21 to 30 pounds after the age of 18 were 40% more likely to develop cancer than those women who put on less than five pounds. Women who gained 70 pounds doubled their risk of cancer.

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+