20 October 2015

Are Your Coffee Beans Fresh?

Coffee.  It seems like the amount consumed increases every year.  An important question to answer is, "how do I know my beans are freshly roasted"?

Here are 3 steps in determining if your beans have been roasted, which gives them that special taste.

1.  Check for residue.  When you pick up your beans, do they leave a residue on your hands, or on the bag?  If the answer is yes, then they have been freshly roasted.  NOTE: darker roasted beans are more oily then lighter roasts.

2.  Sealed bag with a valve.  After beans are roasted, they omit a carbon dioxide gas that diminishes over time. A bag containing freshly roasted beans MUST have a release valve or the bag will explode. If there is no pressure valve, then the beans have not been freshly roasted, and the release valve is not needed.

3.  If you buy your beans in bulk, you can use a plastic bag to check for the release of gas.  If the sealed bag does not expand after being left overnight, then your beans are not freshly roasted.

Now you can enjoy a cup of delicious coffee, knowing it is made with freshly roasted coffee beans.  For a coffee with added ingredients like green tea extract, trace minerals, and coconut oil that improve the flavor and quality of a superior coffee, try Isagenix coffee today.

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
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