10 July 2015

Just Add, Don’t Subtract

STOP fixating on eliminating all the bad stuff from your diet like cookies, cake, pizza, and all that heavy cream in your morning coffee.  Instead focus on adding healthy foods to your daily diet. Attempting to ditch all the “bad” stuff can seem like an overwhelming task, so make your healthy eating plan easier to stick to by focusing on just one hurdle at a time.  Science says it takes anywhere from 18-254 days to form a new habit, so don't give up.  Incorporate as many healthy habits as you’d like—drinking more water (aim for half your body weight per day), or adding 1 or 2 new fresh fruits and veggies. Celebrate the little wins everyday, and soon those little wins will add up to a healthier, happier you!

Just Us Modern Girls  623-282-4955  justusmoderngirls@gmail.com
Just Us Modern Girls on G+

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